Legends of Anime - Halidon

Legends of Anime

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1. One Summer's Day (from "Spirited Away" - Piano Version) (0.99 €) [04:28]
Artista: Loïc Fauconnier

2. Kiki's Delivery Service (Main Theme - Piano Version) (0.99 €) [02:29]
Artista: Loïc Fauconnier

3. Confessions in the Moonlight (from "Castle in the Sky" - Piano Version) (0.99 €) [02:48]
Artista: Loïc Fauconnier

4. The Wind Forest ( from "My Neighbour Totoro" - Piano Version) (0.99 €) [05:18]
Artista: Loïc Fauconnier

5. The Road to the Valley (from "Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind" - Piano Version) (0.99 €)
Artista: Loïc Fauconnier

6. Fantasia for NAUSICAÄ (from "Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind" - Piano Version) (0.99 €) [06:15]
Artista: Loïc Fauconnier

7. il porco rosso (Main Theme - Piano Version) (0.99 €) [03:47]
Artista: Loïc Fauconnier

8. Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea (Main Theme - Piano Version) (0.99 €) [02:33]
Artista: Loïc Fauconnier

9. Mother Sea (from "Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea" - Piano Version) (0.99 €) [04:14]
Artista: Loïc Fauconnier

10. Merry-Go-Round of Life (from "Howl's Moving Castle" - Piano Version) (0.99 €) [04:39]
Artista: Loïc Fauconnier

11. Princess Mononoke (Main Theme - Piano Version) (0.99 €) [04:26]
Artista: Loïc Fauconnier

12. Ashitaka and San ( from "Princess Mononoke" - Piano Version) (0.99 €) [04:19]
Artista: Loïc Fauconnier

13. My Neighbour Totoro (Main Theme - Piano Version) (0.99 €) [03:42]
Artista: Loïc Fauconnier